Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Cyberculture agenda: Key challenges to freedom of expression online identified by EDRI

On 13 November 2014, EDRi met with the European External Action Service (EEAS) for a civil society consultation on the EU Human Rights Guidelines on Freedom of Expression Online and Offline. The EEAS aims at improving the Guidelines in the future and was seeking input to that end. EDRi had already outlined its position in its response to the 2013 public consultation on the Draft EU Human Rights Guidelines on Freedom of Expression. In August 2015, EDRi submitted a paper to update its position (see links below).

popcorntBranded a “Netflix for Pirates,” the Popcorn Time phenomenon took the Internet by storm over the past year.

Our veteran readers will perhaps remember Kirby Ferguson’s four-part video series Everything is a Remix. Created between 2010 and 2014, the series explored the idea that (to quote from one of my earlier posts) “great art doesn’t come out of nowhere. Artists inevitably borrow from one another, drawing on past ideas and conventions, and then turn these materials into something beautiful and new.” That applies to musicians, filmmakers, technologists, and really anyone in a creative space.


I am a 32-year-old Netflix-addicted, dessert-loving gay man living in San Francisco. Over the course of 30 days this summer, I set out on a mission to use a bunch of dating apps. I selected them based on both popularity and my friends’ recommendations.

Near-Perfect Computer Security May Be Surprisingly Close

Near-Perfect Computer Security May Be Surprisingly Close

A two-year-old cryptographic breakthrough has proven difficult to put into practice. But new advances show how near-perfect computer security might be surprisingly close at hand.

Google searches for a new identity

Google-thumbGoogle’s new logo has been parodied, criticized as being too childish and subject to numerous thinkpieces explaining the psychological and design principles that explain why we “hate” it.

Kilton Library’s Tor node is back online

Kilton, New Hampshire’s public library was the first library in the USA to offer an Tor node on its computers, giving its patrons a technological assist in maintaining their privacy and anonymity — until the DHS sent them a letterdemanding that they switch it off.

Hillary Clinton Is Stuck In A Poll-Deflating Feedback Loop

It’s the candidates who play the long game, and play by the establishment’s rules, who usually win presidential nominations. Political parties have lots of ways to influence the race in favor of these candidates, from how they appoint superdelegates to how they schedule debates. Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent on advertising, meanwhile, and the bulk usually favors establishment candidates. And voters have a lot of time to make their decisions and can amend them as they go along — an insurgent candidate who wins Iowa or New Hampshire won’t necessarily have staying power if they’ve failed to build a broad coalition of support.

Sony Pictures Considered Buying BitTorrent Inc.

acqIn Hollywood, BitTorrent is often framed as a threat due to its pirate stigma, but the technology also offers opportunities.

PleadPeople are declaring war on pop-ups, commercials and advertising by installing ad-blocking software to keep commercials at bay as they browse the web


Vía Erkan’s Field Diary

Filed under: Uncategorized

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