Thursday, May 26, 2016

Eurosphere agenda: “Europe’s economic strategy from 2008 to today…

Timeline of a crisis: Europe’s economic strategy from 2008 to today

At the outset of the economic crisis in 2008, the EU mirrored the rescue packages seen in the US and elsewhere. In total, more than €1.6 trillion was used to save the banks and €200 billion to keep the European economies afloat.
Money is at the heart of many a battle and the referendum on whether Britain should stay in the European Union or quit is no exception.
Do French workers really have it easy?
So why then is the French workforce so restive?

“The fetishisation of the ‘working class’ or the hammer and sickle is an exercise of idealism,” according to Jorge Moruno, head of discourse in Podemos.Español.

Signs of 15M. youtube. CC.The 15M politicized a generation and in many ways, broke the consensus which constituted the ground of the so-called ‘78 Regime that emerged from the transition to democracy.


Debate: How effective is Germany’s integration law?

The grand coalition in Germany on Wednesday agreed on a proposal for a new integration law aimed at facilitating refugees’ access to work and education. The proposed law also foresees penalties for those who refuse integration measures, as well as residency restrictions. The German press hauls the proposal over the coals.

Austria far right narrowly loses poll

Alexander Van der Bellen is elected Austria’s president, as Norbert Hofer narrowly fails in his bid to become the EU’s first far-right head of state.

German AfD walks out of Muslim meeting

The German right-wing party AfD walks out of a meeting with a Muslim council.

What Can Europe’s Far Right Tell Us About Trump’s Rise?

There have been many attempts to explain the rise of Donald Trump, focusing on economic frustration, racial resentment or a combination of the two. Now, as we transition from the primary season into the general election, there’s the added question of what his political legacy will be, both to the GOP and the nation in general. Will his nativist and anti-immigrant brand of populism become a historical footnote, or will it find a root in our two-party system?

Pegida row over non-white Kinder photos

Anti-Islam protesters in Germany complain about non-white children’s photos on Kinder chocolates – but the images are childhood photos of the national football team.
The grand coalition in Germany on Wednesday agreed on a proposal for a new integration law aimed at facilitating refugees’ access to work and education. The proposed law also foresees penalties for those who refuse integration measures, as well as residency restrictions. The German press hauls the proposal over the coals.

Vía Erkan’s Field Diary

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