Former President Turgut Özal, opening up “a new computer system” at Middle East Technical University in 1990. Source:
This semester I have mobilized my classes and academic environment to create a database for Turkey’s internet history. There will be a series of works attached to this project (including a wiki based database) but in the mean time in one of my graduate level courses at Istanbul Bilgi University, Communication School, I have decided to take a highly theoretical approach to web history and digital archiving in general. Here is the reading and discussion list. Enjoy!
Week 2 Intros
Atkinson, S., & Whatley, S. (2015). Digital archives and open archival practices.
Salmond, A. (2012). Digital subjects, cultural objects: Special issue introduction.
Were, G. (2013). Imaging digital lives.
Brügger, N. (2013). Web historiography and Internet Studies: Challenges and perspectives. New Media & Society, 15(5), 752-764.
Week 3 Narratives
Bory, P., Benecchi, E., & Balbi, G. (2016). How the Web was told: Continuity and change in the founding fathers’ narratives on the origins of the World Wide Web. new media & society, 18(7), 1066-1087.
Stevenson, M. (2016). The cybercultural moment and the new media field. new media & society, 1461444816643789.
Beer, D., & Burrows, R. (2013). Popular culture, digital archives and the new social life of data. Theory, culture & society, 30(4), 47-71.
Week 4 Historiography
Schafer, V., & Thierry, B. G. (2016). The “Web of pros” in the 1990s: The professional acclimation of the World Wide Web in France. new media & society, 18(7), 1143-1158.
Brügger, N. (2013). Web historiography and Internet Studies: Challenges and perspectives. New Media & Society, 15(5), 752-764.
Ankerson, M. S. (2012). Writing web histories with an eye on the analog past. new media & society, 14(3), 384-400.
Musso, M., & Merletti, F. (2016). This is the future: A reconstruction of the UK business web space (1996–2001). new media & society, 18(7), 1120-1142.
Week 5 Archiving
Winget, M. A., & Aspray, W. (Eds.). (2011). Digital media: Technological and social challenges of the interactive world. Scarecrow Press. 1-136
Lothian, A. (2013). Archival anarchies: Online fandom, subcultural conservation, and the transformative work of digital ephemera. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 16(6), 541-556.
Isaac, G. (2015). Perclusive alliances: digital 3-D, museums, and the reconciling of culturally diverse knowledges. Current Anthropology, 56(S12), S286-S296.
Week 6 Archiving
McQuire, S. (2013). Photography’s afterlife: Documentary images and the operational archive. Journal of Material Culture, 18(3), 223-241.
Newell, J. (2012). Old objects, new media: Historical collections, digitization and affect. Journal of Material Culture, 17(3), 287-306.
Dalziell, T., & Genoni, P. (2015). Google comes to Life: Researching digital photographic archives. Convergence, 21(1), 46-57.
Week 7 Archiving
Huc-Hepher, S. (2015). Big Web data, small focus: An ethnosemiotic approach to culturally themed selective Web archiving. Big Data & Society, 2(2), 2053951715595823.
Udupa, S. (2015). Archiving as History‐Making: Religious Politics of Social Media in India. Communication, Culture & Critique.
Pietrzyk, K. (2012). Preserving digital narratives in an age of present-mindedness. Convergence, 18(2), 127-133.
Abba, T. (2012). Archiving digital narrative: Some issues. Convergence, 18(2), 121-125.
Week 8 Institutional responses
Popple, S. (2015). The new Reithians: Pararchive and citizen animateurs in the BBC digital archive. Convergence, 21(1), 132-144.
Sean Cubitt, Library. Theory, Culture & Society ( (SAGE Publications, London, Thousand Oaks, CA and New Delhi) Vol. 23(2–3): 581–606. DOI: 10.1177/0263276406063783
Week 9 Erasure
Harris, S. K. (2015). Networked erasure Visualizing information censorship in Turkey. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 21(2), 257-278.
Aufderheide, P., Milosevic, T., & Bello, B. (2016). The impact of copyright permissions culture on the US visual arts community: The consequences of fear of fair use. new media & society, 18(9), 2012-2027.
Week 10 Memory
Reading, A. (2014). Seeing red: a political economy of digital memory. Media, Culture & Society, 0163443714532980.
Cooke, G., & Reichelt-Brushett, A. (2015). Archival memory and dissolution: The after| image project. Convergence, 21(1), 8-26.
Keightley, E., & Schlesinger, P. (2014). Digital media–social memory: remembering in digitally networked times. Media, Culture & Society, 36(6), 745-747.
Week 11 Cases
Frick, C. (2015). Repatriating American film heritage or heritage hoarding? Digital opportunities for traditional film archive policy. Convergence, 21(1), 116-131.
Ben-David, A. (2016). What does the Web remember of its deleted past? An archival reconstruction of the former Yugoslav top-level domain. new media & society, 1461444816643790.
Knifton, R. (2015). ArchiveKSA: Creating a digital archive for Kingston School of Art. Convergence, 21(1), 27-45.
Week 12 Cases
De Kosnik, A., El Ghaoui, L., Cuntz-Leng, V., Godbehere, A., Horbinski, A., Hutz, A., … & Pham, V. (2015). Watching, creating, and archiving: Observations on the quantity and temporality of fannish productivity in online fan fiction archives. Convergence, 21(1), 145-164.
Ageh, T. (2015). Digital public space. h ttp://thecreativeexchange. org/launchpad. Accessed, 8.
Liew, K. K., Pang, N., & Chan, B. (2014). Industrial railroad to digital memory routes: remembering the last railway in Singapore. Media, Culture & Society, 0163443714532984.
Week 12 Cases
Edwards-Vandenhoek, S. (2015). You aren’t here Reimagining the place of graffiti production in heritage studies. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 21(1), 78-99.
Blanco, P. P., Schuppert, M., & Lange, J. (2015). The digital progression of community archives, from amateur production to artistic practice: A case study of Belfast Exposed. Convergence, 21(1), 58-77.
Week 13 Cases
Kaun, A., & Stiernstedt, F. (2014). Facebook time: Technological and institutional affordances for media memories. New Media & Society, 16(7), 1154-1168.
Ashuri, T. (2012). (Web) sites of memory and the rise of moral mnemonic agents. new media & society, 14(3), 441-456.
Vía Erkan’s Field Diary
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