Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Cyberculture agenda: “Google, Facebook and Twitter Protest Hollywood’s ‘SOPA Resurrection’”


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goofactwiIn recent months there have been several lawsuits in the U.S. in which copyright holders were granted broad injunctions, allowing them to seize domain names of alleged pirate sites.

Twitter Now Makes It Possible to Harness Every Tweet Ever

Brands can now tailor their ads to you using more than 500 billion tweets spanning nine years.

A Deeper Look at the New Google

Google’s new structure has few historical precedents, in tech or outside it.

A new report by PageFair and Adobe has found that the use of ad blocking software will cost publishers a massive $22 billion in 2015, and that its use has grown by 41% in the last 12 months alone. That’s a major concern for digital marketing, and something all social media and online advertisers need to be aware of.
Car hack is the tip of the iceberg for Internet-connected vehicles in future, warn researchers
August 8, 2015

“The Internet of Things promises to thrust into the spotlight an issue of liability that software makers have managed to avoid, according to Jennifer Granick, director of civil liberties at the Center of Internet and Society at Stanford University law school.

Hackers prove how hard it is to hack a Tesla

Car hacking has been the story of the moment, with a lack of cybersecurity understanding evident among large automakersTesla, however, is a different case.

Recent data published by Internet Retailer reveals that online sales totaled $304.91 billion in 2014, a 15.4% increase from 2013, and that an estimated $350 billion will be spent online at the end of this year (2015). This is in the US alone.

While we’re all obsessed with the Mark Zuckerbergs, Jeff Bezos, Larry Pages and Sergey Brins of this world, the fact remains that there are a lot of average people making a difference, and ensuring a comfortable living for themselves without necessarily having to create the next big thing.

A new report by PageFair and Adobe has found that the use of ad blocking software will cost publishers a massive $22 billion in 2015, and that its use has grown by 41% in the last 12 months alone. That’s a major concern for digital marketing, and something all social media and online advertisers need to be aware of.
Alphabet Google Monopoly 2
Although Google has operated under the guise of being a search and advertising company, but it’s hardly been that for some time now. And as of today, that implicit characterization has now been made explicit with the launch of Alphabet, the new umbrella that now owns Google as a wholly owned subsidiary.

Well played, Google — er, Alphabet.


C is for “confusing.”

Google creates new parent company
Move to place businesses under new firm Alphabet to allow reporting of results of diversified operations separately.

Vía Erkan’s Field Diary http://ift.tt/1TsiZvX

Filed under: Uncategorized

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