Friday, June 10, 2016

Anthropology roundup: “AAA Boycott Vote Postmortem” by Savage Minds…

AAA Boycott Vote Postmortem

By now you have probably heard that the boycott vote failed by an incredibly narrow margin:

In the end an astounding 51% of its 10,000 members participated. The resolution failed by exactly 39 votes: 2,423-2,384 (50.4%-49.6%)—a statistical dead heat.

David Palumbo-Liu, Steven Salaita, Charlotte Silver, and Elizabeth Redden have all written excellent postmortems about the vote. Having read all four, it strikes me that there are three important points to be made: The first is that the AAA is still moving ahead with a statement of censure of the Israeli government and other actions. The second is the role played by outside groups that sought to influence the vote. And the third is the status of the BDS movement after the vote. Read on for my take on each of these three points…

The Anthropology of Empowerment
Huffington Post
Sometimes people ask if I’m a poet. As the founder of Get Lit, an organization dedicated to empowering youth by asking them to claim iconic poems and perform their own spoken word responses, it’s a sensible question…and one I should be able to answer.

Food Anthropology, A Tribute to Sidney W. Mintz

What are your essential articles for teaching a Food Anthropology course? What most distinguishes Food Anthropology from other ways of studying food? What are the most important insights from Food Anthropology that need to be shared?

With three months of access left on the March 2016 issue of Open Anthropology,Cultural Heritage, it is time to roll out the June 2016 issue on Food Anthropology. This issue will also be a tribute to the passing of Sidney W. Mintz, known as the “father of food anthropology.”

Teaching AAA 2016: Indexes and Icons


2016_MeetingHave you considered linking your teaching with the 2016 Annual Meeting theme,Evidence, Accident, Discovery? This new blog series offers relevant teaching resources to instructors of undergraduate and graduate courses on methods, ethics and theory. While none of these modules pretends to offer an exhaustive bibliography of its topic, each will suggest readings and matching discussion topics relating to one aspect of the politics and ethics of evidence and discovery in anthropology. Think of it as a week’s course readings in a (virtual) box…

Ancient DNA and human history


A very useful review of the field c. mid-2016. The only major addition would be the study on Upper Paleolithic Europeans that appeared recently.

A Decolonial Turn in Anthropology? A View from the Pacific

This entry is part 6 of 6 in the Decolonizing Anthropology series.

By: Lisa Uperesa

Over the past two decades, non-White and non-Western scholars have posed serious challenges to the politics of knowledge production in anthropology and the academy more widely. In the wake of critiques of Orientalism, the articulation of indigenous methodologies, and the exploration of indigenous epistemologies, not to mention critiques of whiteness and white privilege, we might assume a new, more inclusive time in anthropology has begun. But has it? Drawing on my experience as a scholar trained in anthropology, as well as a decade of experience as a member and four years as board member including one as chair of an international anthropological scholarly organization, in this essay I explore the continuing dynamics of marginalization of indigenous Pacific scholars in and through the claiming of scholarship and scholarly organizations and anthropology itself as white public space.

Neolithic Aegean genomes


I had covered this paper when it went on the bioRxiv, but the final version has been published in PNAS in open access.

Anthropology And Anti-Semitism
Daily Caller
One of the core principles of modern anthropology is cultural relativism, the idea that researchers must not make value judgements about the societies they study. Anthropologists think of themselves as setting aside their biases and preferences in


Nature 534, 245–248 (09 June 2016) doi:10.1038/nature17999

Homo floresiensis-like fossils from the early Middle Pleistocene of Flores

Gerrit D. van den Bergh, Yousuke Kaifu, Iwan Kurniawan, Reiko T. Kono, Adam Brumm, Erick Setiyabudi, Fachroel Aziz & Michael J. Morwood

Lao Camp Food (Part 2)

This is the second installment of a food journal I kept during several days in February camping with a bomb clearance team in Laos. If you missed my previous post, please see Lao Camp Food (Part 1).

Vía Erkan’s Field Diary

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