Tuesday, February 16, 2016

In case you missed in Cyberculture agenda: A UN body ruled Julian Assange’s 3.5 Year Detainment in Embassy Unlawful… “Pirate Bay Transforms into The World’s Biggest Streaming Site…


Julian Assange’s 3.5 Year Detainment in Embassy Ruled Unlawful

A UN body has determined that UK and Swedish authorities have unlawfully detained the WikiLeaks founder in the Ecuadorean embassy, where he has been living in asylum since 2012 to avoid arrest.

Julian Assange ‘arbitrarily held’
A UN panel considering the “arbitrary detention” of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange will find in his favour, the Swedish foreign ministry says.

Earlier this week a new piece of software debuted alongside promises to revolutionize how people use torrents.

Twitter announced on Friday that it has shut down over 125,000 user accounts for promoting violent threats or terrorist acts, mostly having to do with ISIS, in less than a year.

Twitter has suspended a large number of Twitter accounts for threatening or promoting terrorist acts. These acts were primarily related to ISIS.

Google and Visual Editions created a new kind of interactive mobile book.

Facebook vs. Twitter: How Each Network Handles Advertising Differently

Mobile advertising grew substantially during 2015, and will likely be the driving force in ad growth in the future. It seems that Facebook’s efforts have paid off, while Twitter appears to be experiencing growing pains, despite increased revenues. So let’s examine what each network is doing differently in the ad space.

Snowden’s Chronicler Reveals Her Own Life Under Surveillance

In a journal and FBI files shared as part of her Whitney Museum exhibit, Laura Poitras finally turns her lens of observation onto herself.

AI Is Transforming Google Search. The Rest of the Web Is Next

As Google’s head of artificial intelligence takes charge of search, deep learning is already changing the way Googling works.

MS-DOS viruses were so much cooler than the ones we see now and you can finally re-live what it was like to lose everything in the 90’s all over again. The Malware Collection is a set of interesting viruses that affected MS-DOS in the 1990’s that you can actually use in your browser.
IBM Is Finally Embracing the Cloud—It Has No Other Choice

The biggest idea in the world of IT is access to Google-like infrastructure for all. That’s great news for everyone—well, almost everyone.


Have you ever played six degrees of Kevin Bacon? Well, as it turns out, you probably need a lot less than six degrees to get to him when you throw Facebook in the mix. According to a report from Facebook’s research team, the average degrees of separation between regular folks on the platform is less than 3.5. This is down from the research done five years ago, which had the average degrees of separation at 3.74. Each person in the world (at least among the 1.59 billion people active on Facebook) is connected to every other person by an average…

“The End of Twitter” Is a False Narrative

Declaring the end of things is a fun sport. I’ve dabbled in it myself. Generally I try to confine my obituaries to things that are actually ending, like the telegraph orGoogle Glass. But occasionally I get carried away and predict the demise of things that still have some life left. It must have been a similar burst of enthusiasm that moved Josh Topolsky to announce, in the New Yorker last Friday, “The End of Twitter.” His death notice in the nation’s most prestigious magazine capped an ignominious week for the company that began with the departure of four top executives.

Vía Erkan’s Field Diary http://ift.tt/1PPgRgd

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